Tamil Diplomat

A Tamil woman commences a Fast unto Death in Britain demanding that Sri Lanka be referred to the ICC


Mrs Ambihai K Selvakumar, one of directors of the International Centre for the Prevention of Genocide (ICPPG) has commenced a Fast unto Death on Saturday in the UK, demanding that the UK take action to include the referral of Sri Lanka to the International Criminal Court (ICC), the creation of an International Independent Investigative Mechanism (IIIM) and the appointment of a permanent special rapporteur in the UK led resolution to be tabled by the Core group countries at the ongoing United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) sessions in Geneva.

Ambihai  began her protest today after formally informing the British government of her intention to go on a hunger strike. ICPG has called on Tamil people around the world to support Ambika’s struggle.

ICPG’s report is available below:

PRESS RELEASE – ICPPG Intention to Commence Hunger Strike