Tamil Diplomat

Archeological Remains points at more than 8 Naga ruling houses in Batticaloa

It had been revealed by the ancient plates discovered in several areas of Batticaloa District, that not less than 8 Naga ruling houses of Nagas existed around 2nd Century BC, said Prof.K.Pathmanapan of the Archeological Faculty.

The Professor was speaking in a meeting organized to inform the public of the findings in the Prof. S.Mounaguru Stage Research Centre in batticaloa on 11th of this month.

Particularly, he said, more the 40 archeological remains with Naga markings had been found in areas of Vellavelly, Kaliwanchikudi, Navatkudah, Mamangam, Vantharumoolai and Vaharai.

Nagas inhabited eastern coast and lived with ruling powers from long before Vijayan’s arrival. Evidences of their civilization and worship methods were explained in detail by the Professor.

He also said that, as the markings are in Tamil , the details of history of the Tamils have begun to surface.

Nagas were living in these areas in pre- Christ eras and they were worshipping a deity called Many Nagan. Evidence of Many Nagan were also found in Vavuniya, in past six months, the Professor said.

He requested the contribution of the public in bringing out these evidences, by informing them if some historical evidence in unearthed in their areas.