Tamil Diplomat

No room for Hybrid Court in Lawa,says Managala and Sumanthiran : it is there

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mangala Samaraweera had said yesterday, “We asked for 2 years’ time to show progress in Reconciliation and Accountability. The grace period has been granted to us. Hence we anticipate to undertake internal investigation sans Foreign Judges.

However the Spokesman of the TNA, M.A.Sumanthiran had said, ” The TNA is not ready to compromise on Foreign Judges. There is nothing against undertaking investigations including Foreign Judges. If there anything like that , remove them and  do it.”

Sumanthiran was commenting on Mangala’s above shown statement.

He further said, ” Hybrid Mechanism was included in the 2015 resolution of the UNHRC. Minister of Justice said that there is no room for Foreign Judges in the constitution. I said there are provisions for that. Mangala said that Wijayadasa is saying something and Sumanthiran is saying something and as I am not a lawyer, unable to say anything. Following that two experts from America were brought down and examined whether investigations could be undertaken including Foreign Judges. Finally they said that could be done in the then constitution itself. Foreign Minister, Mangala Samaraweera accepted it. Ranil also said there are precedence of such inquiries. All consented to have foreign Judges for inquiries against the Chief Justice.

There is no restraint in the current constitution to include Foreign Judges. If there is any, remove it and pursue the inquiry. Amend the constitution. The SL Government should fulfill the obligation regarding accountability which it accepted. There is nothing for compromise in this”.