Tamil Diplomat

Tamil Literary Garden’s Essay Competition 2015

 Literary Garden, has announced their 2015 essay competition, inviting undergraduates and graduate students to submit an essay on the topic: “Renegotiating New Meanings of Self in Tamil Canadian Diaspora.”

Participants’ essays should critically examine the meanings of self in the context of Tamil Diaspora, should not exceed 2000 words and be submitted on or before March 31st 2015 to cheran@uwindsor.ca, with a copy to amuttu@gmail.com.

The competition is open to participants around the world. The winner will receive a certificate and $1000.00 at the Tamil Literary Garden awards ceremony in Toronto in June.

Since its formation in 2001 the Tamil Literary Garden, a registered charity, has been committed to the promotion of studies and literary activities in Tamil, both nationally, in Canada, and internationally.