Tamil Diplomat

If the works at Maveerar Thuyilumillams are hindered, disastrous impacts will occur , Warns Organizing Committee

The Organizing Committee warned yesterday that if the preparatory works at the Thuyilumillams are hindered disastrous impacts will occur.

If people who breach laws are to be arrested, first man should be the President they insist.

With a view to the Maveerar Day, Thuyilumillams are being cleaned and prepared for the great day. In a context where Mahindha Rajapakse had become Prime Minister, these preparations are being carried out with a feeling of fear.

If one law is implemented for JVP members and another law for Tamils, disastrous effects will result warned S.Logeswaran who engaged in the Shramadhana.

The Secretart of the TNPF Kajendran, after participating in the shramadana said that the Sri Lankan Army is the most indisciplined Army in the world.