Conceal Ocular impact of blast is concealed in our community
Blast wave contusions and blast fragmentation contributed to 80% of the ocular trauma in the community which was under heavy military operation. It might have happened in Vanni during the period of 2008-2009. Although the exposed surface of the eyeball constitutes only 0.1% of the frontal body silhouette, the incidence of ocular injuries is higher than could be expected due to the lateral curvature of the orbital margin, which extends laterally on the exposed surface of the eye, thereby increasing the risk of injury from the sides. Further corneal and cornea sclera injury impaired the visual acuity which is common the massive blast injuries like shelling and aerial bombing. Even though it has happened nearly 10 years ago. We do not have any awareness about the corneal ocular injuries during the military operations. Therefore we need a cohesive approach among multiple ophthalmic sub specialties. Ocular surface can be evaluated by corneal topography.
The utility of advanced including corneal oculus pentacam imaging technique in modern clinical ophthalmology will help us to find 3D representation of the patient’s corneal shape. (Keratometry, pachymetry). It is vital before cataract surgery to evaluated the conceal Topography.
Smaller fragments which stuck in the corneal stroma is one of the living evidences for genocide if it is documented in the community widely.
Reactive metals such as copper, iron, lead and zinc can cause metalosis and it shall be called as Nanometalosis in the cornea. With sequel of irreparable damage. Further artillery shells, bombs and shrapnels causes innumerable splinters of stones, cement and sand. These will cause corneal damage permanently.
The explosion creates a wave of high pressure that moves at a speed of 10,000 m/secs. to 30,000 m/sec.
Further blast wave contusion shall cause concealed intra ocular injuries including diffuse retinal hemorrhage macularoedoma. Wearing the specific shock resistant eye wear can protect the eye which was not done by any public in Vanni during the period of 2008 – 2009. Therefore ocular injuries were usually caused by the blast wave. It has caused a direct contusion of the eye of variable severity according to the proximity of the explosion, and the fragments that , launched into the air like projectiles cause various types of penetrating injuries depending on speed, size and shape of the fragments.
It is obvious that unless there is an injury or severe visual impairment no body is not aware of ocular impact of the blast in a military operation. This has happened to our community too.
Since our people have exposed to massive blast by shelling and aerial bombing, their corneal Tomography should be evaluated for Blast scars. So we need an unbiased medical auditing for our community vision care with the help of MSF or ICRC in the context of 2008-2009 military operation in Vanni.