Tamil Diplomat

UN member states should ensure the safety of the Tamil people: Wigneswaran urges

Parliamentarian and former Chief Minister of Northern Provincial Council Justice Wigneswaran said member states of the UN Human Rights Council must accept responsibility for dangers that will befall the Tamil people during two years granted to Sri Lanka by the Human Rights Council.

In his answer to a question, Wigneswaran has also expressed his disappointment that the resolution failed to prescribe any clear cut measures to ensure justice and human rights in Sri Lanka.

Wigneswaran has further said the following:

It is disappointing that the resolution failed to prescribe any clear cut measures to ensure justice and human rights in Sri Lanka.  In this way, the international community has given Sri Lanka yet another chance and still more time to amend its behaviour, despite Sri Lanka having withdrawn its earlier commitment to cooperate with the UNHRC.

The resolution has directed the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights to collect, preserve and analyse evidence for future war crimes’ investigations. This is to be welcomed. But it remains to be seen how this will unfold.

My concern is that in the two years given to Sri Lanka, the government will commit serious human rights violations against our people. The same night India abstained from voting in Geneva, Sri Lanka Navy arrested 52 Indian fishermen. This is Sri Lanka’s way of retaliating. In particular I am worried that our lands will be plundered. Already organizations and individuals have been branded as persona non grata. Next step would be harassing those said to have had connection or communication with those in such organizations or those individuals so named.

I need hardly say that the member countries of the Human Rights Council would be responsible for the dangers that will befall the Tamil people during these two years. They are responsible for the safety of our people. Unless they show vigilance you cannot control the Sri Lankan government now under an Ex Army officer, going berserk.